Excessive Alcohol Use – a Leading Cause of Preventable Death

Excessive alcohol use is a leading cause of preventable death in America. It causes more preventable deaths than opioid overdoses; more preventable deaths than all drug overdose deaths combined. It causes more preventable deaths than car crashes. According to the CDC, “excessive alcohol use is responsible for more than 95,000 deaths in the United States each…

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How Does a Person Lose Control of Their Drinking

drinking more during Covid-19

How does a person lose control of their drinking? How much is too much? What can a person do to regain control – or can they? Readers asking these kinds of questions have risen dramatically as drinking and relapse have escalated during the Covid-19 pandemic. But it’s not just readers worried about their own drinking…

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What’s in That Drink? Why Standard Drink Size Matters

What’s in that drink? And why does it matter? The most visited post on my blog is Alcohol by Volume (ABV) and “Proof” Explained.  It’s no wonder. People are desperate for information about drink sizes and what makes one drink more potent than another. They are desperate to figure out why their loved one, friend,…

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Someone’s Drinking Ruined the Holidays?

Someone’s drinking ruined the holidays? Perhaps you’re anticipating it will. “They’ve ruined just about every birthday, wedding, anniversary, Thanksgiving, graduation…need I go on? And yet they promise – PROMISE – this time it will be different. This time they’ll keep it to one or two or only drink beer or wine – ‘no hard stuff.’”…

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Holidays Filled With Secondhand Drinking – What to Do

For some, the holidays are warm, fun, happy gatherings with friends and family. But for those whose holidays are filled with secondhand drinking, lurking behind that hope for those kinds of gatherings runs a current of angst, fear, and worry. Angst, fear, and worry about: how to keep him from drinking too much and picking a…

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Alcohol-Induced Memory Blackouts Explained

Blackouts. Alcohol-induced memory blackouts. You may have heard one or both terms, but what do they mean? As an example, if you’ve ever found yourself in a bizarre argument with something who’s been drinking heavily or been on the receiving end of their behaviors too hurtful to rationalize and then felt even more betrayed the…

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