Teen Depression Rehab – How To Restore Your Life

Today’s guest post is by Robert Hunt who shares his views on teen depression rehab.

Robert Hunt has devoted his life to helping others suffering from chemical addictions as well as mental health challenges and writes for Paradigm Malibu, a treatment facility for teens. He is a sober coach and wellness advocate and a prominent figure in the recovery community. Readers can contact him via Twitter .

Robert Hunt on Teen Depression Rehabilitation.

Robert Hunt on Teen Depression Rehabilitation.

Teen Depression Rehabilitation – How to Restore Your Life by Robert Hunt

It’s common for teens to experience depression. However, not all adolescents will develop the psychological disorder, but for those who do there are ways to help restore your life and return to a sense of happiness again.

Often, the word rehab is used with treating alcohol or drug addiction. It’s not used as a term to describe healing from a psychological disorder, such as depression. However, the word rehab is simply a shorter version of the word rehabilitation. In fact, it means to rehabilitate or restore. To restore your psychological well being, that is to move out of depression and back to wellness, there are some habits you can incorporate into your life to help lift the depression you’re feeling.

It should be noted, however, that these are simple habits that are suggested for overall well-being. If your depression is severe and you feel you need more than what is suggested here, contact a mental health professional and gain support from an expert in the field. In fact, if you have any concerns at all, it’s always best to contact a mental health professional or have an adult do that for you.

Foster Friendship and Social Networks

One symptom that is common with depression, among adults and adolescents alike, is the loss of an ability to enjoy things. You might see yourself lose interest in sports, no longer attend favorite classes, avoid friends, and not socialize in general. It’s actually important that you spend time with friends. During adolescence you’re searching for a sense of self during this life stage and being able to be with others is an essential component to this life task. Positive experiences with friends and peers can help prevent and/or lift an experience of depression.

Monitor Your Media Use

Adolescents tend to stay focused on their individual lives, lost in their smart phones, and having their attention shift from one piece of technology to another. There’s no real connection that might be satisfying. To restore a sense of real connect with others, which can help prevent and lift depression, look for interactions with others that are fulfilling and engaging. Spend time you’re your friends rather than just texting them; hang out together versus simply Facetiming. Furthermore, much of the media, including television and movies include a large amount of violence, which can aggravate feelings of depression. Stay away from images, social media, and news events that might aggravate or stir up difficult emotions.


Physical activity can release endorphins, which alone help to boost positive feelings. However, exercise can also help with long-term mental health, including making new connections in the brain, which alone can facilitate enduring change. Furthermore, to experience these benefits from exercise, you don’t have to run three miles a day; taking a walk regularly can boost mental health.

Get Good Sleep

Although this might be difficult to establish at first, if you go to bed and get up at the same time every day, you might feel the difference in your mental health. Depression usually inhibits a regular sleep schedule; it will either cause little sleep or oversleeping. Yet, sticking to a regular schedule can help with getting the right amount of rest. If sleeping becomes a challenge, remove the distractions in the bedroom such as a television or computer.

Be Creative

To find a sense of restoration, you might want to find a creative activity to get those difficult feelings out. Often depression is an experience of not allowing yourself to feel real feelings. Creativity can be a way to express yourself without having to use words, and if you need words to say what needs to be said, journaling is an excellent way to get into those real feelings. In truth, it’s not the writing that’s necessarily healing; instead, it is the relationship that you build with yourself as a result of looking inward.

These are simple suggestions to facilitate a shift in mood, a change in your overall feeling towards life. And if these don’t work, please don’t hesitate to get professional assistance.

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