Childhood Trauma — The Invisible Type

Childhood trauma – the invisible type – is something we need to better understand given childhood trauma is one of the five key risk factors for developing an addiction. Please find the following guest post from Art Smukler, MD:

Hello Everyone,
It’s a pleasure to be back on Lisa Frederiksen‘s wonderful blogsite. Since Childhood Trauma is one of the 5 leading causes of addiction, I think that my latest post will be of interest. Please feel free to visit Inside the Mind of a Psychiatrist and read and comment on any of my other posts.
Sincerely, Art Smukler MD


Often, childhood isn’t all that dramatic. No beatings, no sexual abuse, and no drunken binges with screaming and knife throwing. It’s quietly and confusingly more like a Chinese water torture — an intermittant trickle of devaluing words, missed chances to validate, and unrecognized pleas for help. To others your life may look great, but not to you. Your pain is palpable, even though the cause is subtle and invisible.
You suspect that something’s wrong, but you just can’t figure it out. You don’t know why you don’t love your parents like you’re supposed to. You don’t know why you’re miserable.
“What’s wrong with me?” you think. “Everyone else likes them. I’m a terrible person to feel this way.”
Then in 7th grade or 8th grade or college, you get depressed. You think, maybe I just need some Prozac. A pill should fix me. So arrangements are made and you see a psychiatrist or therapist. Hopefully, the doctor understands that in this case, pills aren’t the answer. He sees it as a chance to examine your life and really help you to get better. So with trepidation and more than a few misgivings you begin psychotherapy.
To use poetic license and a time travelers magic, I’ll quickly move therapy right along. You shed your guilt, become aware of your rage, and your depression begins to lift. It’s like bursting out of a quicksand pool and finally being able to spread the wings you never knew you had.
You can leave your troubled family on the ground below as you discover a world filled with adventure and new ideas. They may remain locked in their rigid, unchangeable world, but that doesn’t mean that you’re duty bound to continue to share that world. You can try to help them, but they have to be willing. As you’ve learned, it’s not easy to examine life from a foreign vantage point. Your family may be too damaged to change. But you’re not. You’ll never be the same again!

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